Project Overview
For our project with the PSNI, we created immersive 360 videos that focused on community safety and anti-social behaviour among teenagers. The project is intended for educational purposes, targeting secondary students within Northern Ireland. Using 360 videos as our main media output would provide a more immersive experience for the students from the typical presentation style output that similar organisations use that many students are familiar with. We aimed to offer more insight into anti-social behaviour and support a more memorable experience for the students.
Team Members

Laurence Adair
Graphic Designer
On Set Director/1st Assistant Camera

Jack Hayes
Camera Operator
Media Content
Logo Designs

Project Materials / Box Contents
Box Designs

QR Code Cards

Box Stickers

Cardboard Headset Design

Video Content
Teenager Perspective 360 Video

Community Member Perspective 360 Video

Unfortunately, we are unable to show the 360 Videos on this website as our community partners wanted the videos to be private and only accessible through participation.
The concept for the 360 videos however was to put the students in the same anti-social scenario but from two different perspectives. One of these was from the teenagers’ perspective where they are placed within the scenario and the other was from a community member’s perspective, where an elderly individual is listening to the anti-social behaviour from within their home. We thought that using this method of two perspectives would provide students with the opportunity to discuss the different videos and share their opinions of them. An important message that we wanted to convey for these videos, was not to make the teenagers out to be criminals, but rather encourage them to think about how their actions during typical social behaviour can affect the community around them.